Meet us at the following events:
Optics and Photonics Days 2025

Past events:
Optics & Photonics in Sweden, Gothenburg

Alihankintamessut Tampere 1 – 3.10.2024

European Microscopy Congress 2024, Denmark, Copenhagen 25 – 30.8.2024

Optics and Photonics Days 2024

Baltic-Nordic Acoustic Meeting 22 – 24.5.2024 Espoo, Hanasaari

Kemian Kevät 2024 Turun Yliopisto 23-26.4.2024
Finnish DIC Day 2024 9.4.2024 Otaniemi campus Design Factory of Aalto University
Kimmy Photonics has been collaborating with Professor Sven Bossuyt from Aalto University in organizing Finnish DIC Day 2024. The event brings together researchers, engineers, educators, life-wide learners, and technology providers, for a morning of technical presentations and an afternoon of laboratory visits and equipment demonstrations, with plenty of time for informal discussions and networking opportunities in between.
The event is open and free for all interested and we warmly welcome everyone to join the day.
Nordic LIBS 2024 Tampere 5 – 6.3.2024
We are delighted to announce that we be in Tampere, Finland, for the first Nordic Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Symposium. Please meet us there!
Akustiikkapäivät Tampereella 15 – 16.11.2023
Lämpimästi tervetuloa tapaamaan meitä ja tutustumaan tarjontaamme.
Seven Bel on kehittänyt edistyksellisen akustisen kameran, joka tarjoaa nopean ja helpon tavan paikantaa äänilähteitä. Tämä kenttäkäyttöön soveltuva laite toimii ilman tarvetta ulkoiselle virtalähteelle. Laaja skannausalue mahdollistaa alhaisten taajuuksien mittaamisen ja paikantamisen.
Kinetic Systems, Inc. on ollut merkittävä toimija tärinän eristämisessä ja hallinnassa jo vuodesta 1968 lähtien. Heillä on tarjolla monipuolisia ratkaisuja tilanteisiin, joissa ulkoiset tärinät vaikuttavat mittalaitteiden tarkkuuteen.
Polytec VibroFlex tuoteperhe on ulkokäyttöön suunniteltu mittalaitteisto, joka voi mitata tärinää jopa yli 300 metrin päästä. Tyypillisiä käyttökohteita on esimerkiksi siltojen, rakennusten tai vaarallisten alueiden tärinän mittaus ja monitorointi.

Meet us at Optics & Photonics Sweden 2023 October 17th– 19th in Kista!

We warmly welcome you to come and meet us and see some of our products and solutions.
Opto provides easy-to-use, robust and compact plug&play imaging modules. These modules are perfect for laboratory process automation and are suitable for production environments.
Kinetic Systems, Inc. has been at the forefront of vibration isolation and control since 1968. They offer a range of precision solutions for situations where external vibrations can impact the operation of precision equipment.
Laser Vision is one of the leading manufacturers in the field of laser protection products. The products are subject to the highest quality standards. ISO-certified processes ensure the reliability, precision and persistence of laservision products.

Nordic Optics and Photonics (NOP23)
April 20th – 21th 2023
Riga, Latvia

Optics & Photonics Days (OPD)

Meet us at Scandem2023 June 12th-15th!
The emphasizes are the WITec confocal Raman imaging microscopes for 2D and 3D chemical characterization.
The Raman integration with AFM, SEM, SNOM or Raman-based particle analysis is best described as the Correlative Confocal Raman Microscopy concept and is further expanded by the SEM-Raman and theCryoRaman combination.
Out latest offering in our microscopy portfolio is the first truly turn-key multimodal multi-photon microscope made by Prospective Instruments. We are also providing femtosecond laser systems that are designed to fit any multi-photon imaging system. They are perfectly matched for 2P/SHG/THG-imaging.

Optics & Photonics in Sweden 2022
5-6 October 2022, Sweden.
Your a most welcomed to discuss with our experts on site during the whole event. You will have the opportunity to see our latest products and solutions.
Advances in Laser Micromachining, September 21 – 23, 2022 Vilnius, Lithuania

Your are welcomed to join this B2B event in photonics and discuss with our representatives about the latest achievements in laser material processing technologies and current available solutions for both academia and industry.