We offer a range of measurement solutions for diagnostics throughout all stages of the combustion and heating process. By handling measurements of combustion radicals, pollutants, fuel tracers etc., the system enables studies of a vast number of phenomena, such as fuel injections, ignition phenomena and flame fronts, ultimately improving the understanding of combustion processes.

Laser Induced Fluorescence (C-LIF)
Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) is the most powerful technique for experimental diagnostics of combustion processes available today. Read more

Rayleigh Thermometry
The analysis and optimization of combustion processes requires accurate measurement of several parameters, temperature distribution being one of the most important. Read more

Laser Induced Incandescence (LII)
Soot is considered a hazardous pollutant emission and is typically a result of incomplete combustion processes, and thus is also related to combustion performance. Read more

Chemi luminescence Flame imaging
Imaging of Flames in the visible and ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths using chemiluminescence and a UV sensitive camera offers unique capabilities for combustion diagnostics due to the simple hardware configuration and nonintrusive nature of the chemiluminescence approach. Read more