Our confocal Raman imaging microscopes for 2D and 3D chemical characterization achieve the highest speed, sensitivity, and resolution – all at the same time! The modular design provides the flexibility to configure each system for the individual requirements and to adapt for future needs and challenges. The Raman microscopes can also be integrated with AFM, SEM, SNOM or Raman-based particle analysis as with correlative systems for investigating chemical and structural sample properties.
Our microscope product lines are:
Raman Microscopes
alpha300 R: Raman microscope
alpha300 access: basic Raman microscope
alpha300 Ri: inverted Raman microscope
alpha300 apyron: fully automated Raman imaging system
cryoRaman – Cryogenic Raman Imaging Microscope
Correlative Microscopes
alpha300 RA: Raman – AFM imaging
alpha300 RAS: Raman – SNOM – AFM imaging
RISE: Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron Microscopy
TrueSurfaceTM Microscopy: Raman imaging and profilometry
Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM)
Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopes (SNOM)

Raman microscopes

alpha300 R – Confocal Raman Imaging
The alpha300 apyron is the top of the line Raman imaging system in WITec’s microscope series.

alpha300 apyron – fully automated
Since its first release in 2015, the alpha300 apyron has been WITec’s high-end fully-automated Raman microscope. WITec’s apyron systems are always equipped with the most recent features and developments, especially with respect to automation and user comfort.

alpha300 Ri – Inverted Confocal Raman Imaging
The alpha300 Ri turns 3D chemical characterization upside down. Its inverted beam path preserves all the functionality of WITec’s standard alpha300 confocal Raman imaging microscopes while introducing a new angle in access and handling.

access300 – basic micro-Raman
The access is a micro-Raman single-spot analysis and mapping microscope. It was specifically engineered for budget-conscious customers with high demands on instrument performance.

Modular Correlative Microscopes
The well-established Raman-AFM combination alpha300 RA was the first integrated Raman AFM system on the market and continues to set the standard for combined instrument configurations for correlative Raman-AFM microscopy.
Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM)

alpha300 A – Nanoscale Surface Characterization
The WITec Atomic Force Microscope alpha300 A is a reliable, high-quality nano-imaging system integrated with a research-grade optical microscope and provides superior optical access, easy cantilever alignment and high-resolution sample survey.
Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope (SNOM)

alpha300 S – Imaging Beyond Diffraction Limit
The alpha300 S is a user-friendly Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope (SNOM) that combines the advantages of SNOM, confocal microscopy and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) in a single instrument.
Accessories * add-ons * options
ParticleScout can survey, classify, analyze, quantify and identify particles over large sample areas. It enables measurements from a sample overview to targeted investigations of particles in groups defined by the user, through a precise chemical characterization of individual particles.
TrueMatch is a powerful and innovative software component for accessing and developing Raman spectral databases. It is integrated in the system software package.
Automated Absolute Laser Power is measured in the optical fiber and can be adjusted with an accuracy of <0.1 mW. TruePower is the only laser power measurement system on the market to provide such an accuracy, ensuring optimal laser power for the preservation of delicate samples and reproducibility in measurement conditions.
TrueSurface Microscopy
Topographic Raman Imaging means by our definition chemical analysis and profilometry in one pass. 3D chemical characterization on rough, inclined or irregularly-shaped samples can be carried out precisely along or at a set distance from a surface without requiring sample preparation. It is the true surface!