We have recently installed a WITec alpha300R Confocal Raman Imaging Microscope at the BioInnovation Institute in Copenhagen. The tool will primarily be used for SERS research and SERS application development. Over time it will also be used for drug delivery
-Webinar- Illuminating Batteries, Semiconductors and 2D Materials with Correlative Raman Microscopy
May 11, 2021 – 10:00-11:00 AM EDT Event Overview This presentation will describe the principles of 3D Raman imaging and the speaker will show in detail how to access chemical imaging at the highest spatial and spectral resolution. Comprehensive analyses
-Virtual Symposium- Imaging Enhanced: Today’s Raman Microscopy Applications
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 1pm EDT Event Overview With the rise of confocal Raman imaging microscopy as a preferred chemical characterization method, a wide range of applications have emerged that demonstrate its potential for state-of-the-art research. This virtual conference