Avantes – Our new spectroscopy provider

Avantes spectroscopy solutions facilitate measurements in the ultra-violet, visible and near-infrared wavelengths ranging from chemical composition and quantification to colour measurement and radiometry. The long experience in fibre-optic spectroscopy, Avantes is equipped to meet the challenges presented by applications facing our customers.

Avantes spectrometers, light sources and fibre-optic sampling accessories provide the enabling technology for spectroscopy and material characterizations in different markets and industries. Visit the pages below to find more about the industries we serve, the measurement techniques we support, examples of applications and our products.

Spectroscopy allows us to research materials in many ways. Below you can find the various measurement techniques for spectroscopy we support:

  • Reflection spectroscopy
  • Transmission spectroscopy
  • UV/VIS/NIR Absorbance
  • Irradiance and Radiometry, optical radiation
  • Fluorescence spectroscopy, spectrofluorometry
  • Raman spectroscopy for material identification and monitoring
  • Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) to monitor atmospheric air pollutants.
  • Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), extremely fast measurement technique

Avantes – Our new spectroscopy provider