New Istra4D V4.11 software release
New Istra4D V4.11 software release

New Istra4D V4.11 software release
Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA) is an optical, non-contact measurement technique, meaning it requires no mechanical connection to the test object surface. TSA employs a thermal imaging sensor with an advanced image processing algorithm to convert thermo-elastically induced temperature changes into
Dantec Dynamics is pleased to announce the release of their new models of X-& SX-LED Illumination Systems with the new X-Illumination Controller.
VibroFlex TriMount is a modular setup for non-contact 3D vibration measurements, consisting of a sturdy sensor holder with three VibroFlex Compact measuring heads, each interacting with a powerful VibroFlex Connect front-end. This combination enables precise and reliable vibration measurements with a frequency bandwidth
Thuesday April 9th 2024 Otaniemi campus Design Factory of Aalto University Kimmy Photonics has been collaborating with Professor Sven Bossuyt from Aalto University in organizing Finnish DIC Day 2024. The event brings together researchers, engineers, educators, life-wide learners, and technology
greateyes offers a series of high-performance, cooled full-frame CCD cameras for imaging and spectroscopy in the range of X-ray to near-infrared (NIR). The cameras combine scientific, highly sensitive CCD sensors and ultra-low noise electronics for optimal detection of weak signals and
These unique configurations adding the third camera enhances resolution, measurement angles for round specimens and much more! Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is an optical, non-contact measurement technique used to determine the shape (contour), displacement and strain for experimental solid mechanic
Värähtelyn etämittausratkaisu pitkille välimatkoille VibroFlex Rangen ominaisuuksia: VibroFlex Range on kenttäkäyttöön soveltuva pitkän kantaman värähtelymittausratkaisu. Se kykenee mittaamaan korkealla tarkkuudella rakenteiden siirtymää, nopeutta ja kiihtyvyyttä myös haastavissa ulko-olosuhteissa, kuten sateessa tai sumussa. VibroFlex Range säästää aikaa perinteisiin kosketusantureihin verrattuna, sillä
Opto provides easy-to-use, robust and compact plug & play imaging modules. These modules are perfect for laboratory process automation and are suitable for production environments. Imaging modules are equipped with integrated camera, optics, illumination, electronics, USB or GigE interface and free
17-19 October 2023, KTH-Electrum in Kista, Stockholm Meet us in Kista!