Värähtelyn etämittausratkaisu pitkille välimatkoille VibroFlex Rangen ominaisuuksia: VibroFlex Range on kenttäkäyttöön soveltuva pitkän kantaman värähtelymittausratkaisu. Se kykenee mittaamaan korkealla tarkkuudella rakenteiden siirtymää, nopeutta ja kiihtyvyyttä myös haastavissa ulko-olosuhteissa, kuten sateessa tai sumussa. VibroFlex Range säästää aikaa perinteisiin kosketusantureihin verrattuna, sillä
Easy-to-use and compact digital microscopes
Opto provides easy-to-use, robust and compact plug & play imaging modules. These modules are perfect for laboratory process automation and are suitable for production environments. Imaging modules are equipped with integrated camera, optics, illumination, electronics, USB or GigE interface and free
Optics & Photonics in Sweden 2023
17-19 October 2023, KTH-Electrum in Kista, Stockholm Meet us in Kista!
Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium
September 25 – 27.2023 Ulm, Germany
The new board of Photonics Finland is elected
On Wednesday, May 31st, the Annual Meeting of Photonics Finland took place, where the new chairman and new board members were elected. Chairman: Kim Grundström, Kimmy Photonics. We are happy to announce that our CEO has been elected the new chairman
Nordic Optics and Photonics (NOP23)
April 20th – 21th 2023Riga, Latvia
Optics & Photonics Days (OPD)
Nordic Microscopy Society
Meet us at Scandem2023 June 12th-15th! The emphasizes are the WITec confocal Raman imaging microscopes for 2D and 3D chemical characterization.The Raman integration with AFM, SEM, SNOM or Raman-based particle analysis is best described as the Correlative Confocal Raman Microscopy