Thuesday April 9th 2024 Otaniemi campus Design Factory of Aalto University Kimmy Photonics has been collaborating with Professor Sven Bossuyt from Aalto University in organizing Finnish DIC Day 2024. The event brings together researchers, engineers, educators, life-wide learners, and technology
The new board of Photonics Finland is elected
On Wednesday, May 31st, the Annual Meeting of Photonics Finland took place, where the new chairman and new board members were elected. Chairman: Kim Grundström, Kimmy Photonics. We are happy to announce that our CEO has been elected the new chairman
Multi-Photon Microscopes
We are pleased to announce a new distributorship between Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy and Prospective Instruments of Dornbirn, Austria, to cover the Nordic markets.Prospective Instruments is producing Multi-Photon microscopes for the biomedical and the clinical markets. These microscopes are highly
Distributorship between Seven Bel GmbH and Kimmy Photonics Oy Ab
We are excited to announce a new distributorship between Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy of Espoo, Finland and Seven Bel GmbH based in Linz, Austria, to cover the Nordic markets. Seven Bel has developed a new technology for acoustic cameras that enables
Our collaboration with Dantec Dynamics has extended
We are happy to announce that an agreement between Dantec Dynamics GmbH and Ab Kimmy Photonics has been reached to distribute the Solid Mechanics DIC division in the Nordic area as a complement to the product offering of Dantec Dynamics
Our new dealership – Genesi Elettronica SRL
A dealership between Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy of Espoo, Finland and Genesi Elettronica SRL of Spilamberto, Italy has been agreed upon to cover the Nordic and Baltic markets. New illumination products and lighting systems for machine vision and industrial applications
Suomen fotoniikka-ala kehittyy vauhdilla – Huomaako kukaan?
Lehdistötiedote 31.8.2021 Korkean teknologian ala fotoniikka kasvaa Suomessa ja koko Euroopassa koronapandemiasta huolimatta. Alalle rekrytoidaan jatkuvasti uusia osaajia sekä vallitsevaa työvoimapulaa pyritään helpottamaan täydennys- ja muuntokoulutusten kautta. Keskivertokansalaiselle valon tiedettä ja teknologiaa tarkoittava fotoniikka ei kerro edelleenkään mitään, vaikka sen
Laser 2000 GmbH and Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy has entered an agent agreement covering the Nordic region
Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy of Espoo, Finland and Laser 2000 GmbH of Wessling, Germany has entered an agent agreement to cover the market area of Nordic and Baltic area Laser 2000 GmbH was founded in 1986 by Armin Luft in Munich,
Kimmy Photonics and Dantec Dynamics has signed a distribution agreement
Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy of Espoo, Finland and Dantec Dynamics A/S of Skovlunde, Denmark has entered a distribution agreement to cover the market area of Finland, Norway and Baltics Dantec Dynamics develops and sells integrated measurement systems for diagnostics and research
Kimmy and greateyes has entered a distribution agreement
Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy of Espoo, Finland and greateyes GmbH of Berlin, Germany has entered a distribution agreement to cover the Nordic territory. Based on an unique platform concept greateyes offers a huge portfolio of highly sensitive, scientific cameras for imaging